
Montana Open Wheel Racing

Association (MOWRA) 





Started in 1982 the MOWRA became the first Sprint Car Series in Montana and created one of the All-Time greats 
in Steve Celar who won 8 Series Championships in a row......







1982 Butch Hanson


Top Ten in Points:


Butch Hanson  243

Ray Huston/Ed Polich  223

Steve Celar  181

Craig Smith  176  (ROY)

Bill Spirlock  95

Rex Smith  95

Gary Walker  80

Charlie Catchpole  80

Terry Johnson  56



1983 Butch Hanson

1984 Bill Spurlock

1985 Bill Spurlock

1986 Craig Smith

1987 Doug Strong

1988 Steve Celar

1989 Steve Celar


Top Ten in Points:


Steve Celar 252

Bill Boyce 208

Jesse Mota 187

Ray Houston 181

Doug Strong 122

Ron Kuppner 100

John D. Moore 54

John Weber 50

Richie Peterson 44

Tom Kittson 39

Harvey Ostermiller 37

Randy Hennelly 19



1990 Steve Celar


Top Ten in Points:


Steve Celar 258

Jesse Mota 234

Bill Boyce 170

Harvey Ostermiller 121

Ron Kupfner 118

John Weber 106

Jim Dahl 91

John D Moore 79

Fritz Krank 76

Mike Sartorie 71

Geoff Legge 66

Ray Huston 50

Randy Hennelly 44

Joe Hanson 41

Tim Carlson 28



1991 Steve Celar


Top Ten in Points:


Steve Celar  233

Jesse Mota  192

Mike Sartorie  142

Harvey Oetermiller  123

Todd Giesick  110

John D. Moore  98

Lyle Ferguson  87

John Weber  58

Randy Hennelly  49

Tim Carlson  47

Joe Hancock  31

Jim Dahl  14



1992 Steve Celar


Top Ten in Points:


Steve Celar 638

Jesse Mota 583

Bob Shiplet 575

Lyle Ferguson 495

Shannon Chamberlain 494

Harvey Ostermiller 453

Randy Hennelly 373

John D. Moore 351

Larry Davis 293

Mike Sartorie 285

Fritz Krank 198

John Weber 136



1993 Steve Celar


Top Ten in Points:


Steve Celar 222

Shannon Chamberlain 188

Jesse Mota 172

Harvey Ostermiller 164

Calvin Stumpf 126

Bob Shiplet 106

John D. Moore 101

Don Scott 83

Tom Kittson 54

Randy Hennelly 45

Richie Peterson 44

Jim Dahl 35



1994 Steve Celar


Top Ten in Points:


Steve Celar 706

Jesse Mota 638

Shannon Chamberlain 605

John D. Moore 392

Bob Shiplet 353

Harvey Ostermiller 302

Jim Dahl 272

Ron Kupfner 267

Jerry Brey 232

Richie Peterson 220



1995 Steve Celar (8 in a row)


Top Ten in Points:


Steve Celar 255

John D. Moore 183

Jim Dahl 128

Don Scott 106

Jesse Mota 102

Richie Peterson 84

Shane Moore 69

Jerry Brey 66

Harvey Ostermiller 64

Bob Shiplet 54



1996 John D. Moore


Top Ten in Points:


John D. Moore

Jesse Mota

Bob Shiplet

Don Scott

Richie Peterson

Harvey Ostermiller

Shane Moore

Steve Celar

Jerry Brey


1997 Unknown


1998 Unknown


1999 Unknown


2000 Unknown